I MiSS~~
* LodGe.. i dunno why.. but really Lodge is where i met most of the guys..
* siMes.. he's been a long time fren.. AlWays Ask me fer burgers.. GiVin me advice..
* PlAnEt.. our second home.. now its T1.. coz heNgky is GOne..
* Mr Lim and His MOustachE... how we always tease him bout shaving it...
* SheiLa Back Here.. always accompanying me when im bored.. my SouLmaTe... =D
* My LimkokWing Frens.. how we'd stay up late at night to do our assignments last min..
* ChiANg.. and his stupidity.. always gets me laughing..
* CaReY.. annzian anD I.. where we used to hangout and i having to find a way home..
* Where We Used to always Jam and damn it feels good..
* Pickin up sheIla.. whenever we both were free..
* Lookin For Stuff to do but in the end doing nth..
* fooTball In schooL.. running down after/during class just to get a goal..
* lots of frens who were from international..
* All The Guys and Gals wHo went overseas to study.. miss u guys alot..
I HaTe~
* i Hate Sheila so much sometimes i wanna pluck her eye ouT.. badly.. she forgot who the ferrero roChers were from when i gave it to her at the airport.. and she din even mention about me in her blog as much as i do.. LOL!
* Drivers who are damn pu Boh and like to Cut to My Lane...
* PonDans on the roAds..
* My bAd Connection sometimes..
* WakIn up damN earlY for nothing..
* It when Im BoRed..
* PpL who talk behind backs..
* It when peopLe fart and Dont say safety..
* SHeIla again for always not replyin me online fast enuf or dont even bother replying me..
* AnnZian when he's damn mooDy.. Stay aWAy..
* the Person who ScRatched the side of my car front to back.. hope ure car one day kenak bomb.
* Mdm ArMStROng.. for always talking shit to me..
I lOvE~
* SheIla When she's in a damn SUper gooD mood..
* my frens.. simes.. chiang.. sTeve.. Jack.. AnnZian.. BrYan h^nG.. LiONel.. BaRnEy OnG.. CAreY.. SeaN WonG.. BrAndOn SiA.. lIMKowiNg BuddIEs.. SiB FrenS.. EbC FrEns.. AnyONe i've MIssed Out.. i'm vEry SorRy..
* AnnzIAn when He's DamN geneRous..
* My faMIlY..
* My caR..
* Dota When im OWnIng..
* GoD..
* SheiLa MOst of all.. for her loVing Me so much...
And The list goes on...
i love you too ..... thats y NO CHICKEN SKIN !!!!!!! - ( guess who )
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