"How long has it been? Months.. Days.. Hours.. Minutes.. Seconds since we've last seen each other? Why does it have to be this way when we could of taken an easier road? Do we always have to suffer even more in life so that we can have a better life in the future? I guess this is the road we have to take" Quote by Sherman Tan (Existence and Fate always has a meaning.)
As i've been here in Singapore for approximately 2 months, 13 days, 9 hours, 25 minutes and 42 seconds even as i type. Still i ponder about sometimes why? why does life have to be like this.. why? Even at times i know why and what's the reason i'm here, i tend to lose track of my objective which is to strive towards a better future even though at this point of my life it may seem very non existent, but i know i am working towards my goal, and one day i will achieve it. Deep down in my heart i know it.
I've learnt so many things.. from all of you guys, you all know who you are.. at times when life just feels like shit, to the times we all had so much fun when we couldnt help ourselves but shout and laugh about, those were the times i cherished the most and i can't help but think to myself how lucky i am to have you all in my life.
But the person i really learnt so much from, even as i type this i just feel like crying, he's none other than my Dad. He's Done so much for me. Countless times he has always been there to give me advice, to guide me through my life's journey. I can say he's the best person i can rely on when i need help, and he's always been there. and words can't express how grateful and lucky i am to have him as my father.
My Dad And I.
I haven't slept the WHOLE night, i guess that's why i'm feeling damn emo.
Thing is being far away from home can make you feel isolated and emotional sometimes. Although you may not feel it but deep down inside i do.
I can list out so many people, so many names.
Ann-Zian.. Ah Bong.. Angie.. Brandon.. Bryan B.. Chiang.. Carey.. Clara.. Clet.. Deanne.. Edward.. Gordon E.. Genevieve.. Han.. Helong.. Iannieboo.. Ing Haw.. Jackson.. Jason L.. Jia Wei.. Jo Lynn.. Kun.. Lionel.. Lik Hui.. Roger.. Simon.. Sheila.. Steve..
.. My 3 sisters.. Melis.. Steffs.. And Melapui.. My naggish Moomie.
and of course My Wilhieboo..
All of you have made a difference in this guy's life. and that person would be none other than..
Sorry no smile.. din sleep. damn emo.. damn moody.. want smile? come visit me.. i give u big big one. so far alot of ppl booking my place transit to KL & Kch hoh.. I shall charge you guys a minimum fee of 1 bottle of chivas/Jack Daniel's/Johnnie Walker/ each for hospitality. Very CHEAP at Changi Airport ranging from $40-60 a bottle.. I shall not shay whom. They want to remain anonymous.
Till then. take cares. will see you all one by one pretty soon.
me me me!! im one of em! hehe.. cant wait sherms. i wan the biggest smile lol.. cya
shErmie....would love to see that smile too...sucks with all this separation..just feels so impossible to stay in touch like the old days.. feels the distant with everyone too. you've got so much to fill me in with when u get back sherm... and besides that smile..i want more than sime..
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