Wednesday, August 09, 2006

some pics...

A special thanks to Jessie Tey for the pics from KL.. i brought my cam.. but after taking like 12 pics.. it said "memory full" i was shocked.. i checked the memory stick and it turns out i brought the 16MB stick.. which was pathetic.. it came along with the came the first time i bought it.. and dang.. so jess was the rajin girl who took all the pics for me =D thanks jess.. u sweet little piggy..

Q Bar~

SheiLa And me Doin The Rock AwaY~

WEee YeNnn, ing Haw, Sheila, ShermS..

three of them still there.. i changed place with Jessie~


3 lovely ladies piggy jessie, Wee Wee, and JoaNne

Jack's Place which was at "My Place"

ing haw and Jack going to get high~

lazing around time~ =D
The guy on the top left is Stanley.. stanley..

This little pig danced so hard that she died on the spot after reaching jack's place~ =D

This big pig was hyper and wanted some more fun~ Actually it was the other way round.. i was supposed to be down on ground while sheila was jumping up and down..

This Medium Piggy.. was posing for her own camera.. LoLs~ sorry jess.. and thanks again jess..

we both really look like pigs.. sexy ones.. muaHUahua~

1 little 2 little 3 little piggies..

all got squished by ing haw~

Piggy Back~

Bummed out~

this was almost around 5am in the morning.. i was seriously bout to die already..


OK~ no more i promise..

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